Alla inlägg under september 2008

Av Kristina - 29 september 2008 15:11

According to weather forecasts we had the last nice summer weekend this weekend that passed. Therefore, we decided to make the most out of it and take Opa's boat for a spin. Oma and uncle Rob joined us too.Diederik has already started multitasking eating and steering at the same time.Oscar discovered that if you don't see you can steer anyway.The boat is now located in Loosdrecht where Jan Mark and I had our wedding party. For you who where there this is what it looks like during the day.

Av Kristina - 20 september 2008 22:49

Jan Mark, Alexander and Niccolo

Av Kristina - 17 september 2008 22:51

Petra, Johannes and Oliver came to visit us in September. A yearly tradidtion which I hope will continue for many more years.

Oliver had just learnt to swing himself, and he was really good at it. He even got blisters on his hands from doing it for so long.

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